10 stvari, ki jih moraš doživeti v Bovcu

Le malo-kje je narava tako neokrnjena, kot v dolini prekrasne reke Soče, ki se razprostira med Alpami in Jadranskim morjem. Bovec je meka za vse ljubitelje narave; visoke gore, nešteti slapovi, globoka brezna, kristalno čiste reke v kombinaciji s športnimi aktivnosti. Vse to le v okolici hostla Soča rocks. Dolina reke Soče je ena izmed … Read more

24 ur v Bovcu

Is it worth to come to Soča valley if you only have a day? The answer is definitely YES!

Some people say that it’s journey not the destination that matters & journey to Bovec is for sure one of the most scenic rides in the Alps you can experiment … even if it is only for a day you should not miss it.


6 am

Believe me, even if requires a lot of energy to crawl out of the bed when is still completely dark outside, sunrise from Boka waterfall view point pays it all off.  One of the most scenic Slovenian waterfall is located 6 km away from Bovec town offering great overview of the whole Bovec basin. Sun comes up right behind Svinjak mountain, known as Slovenian Matterhorn. On a clear day is easy to spot Triglav mountain from the same platform by the waterfall as well.

8 am


On the way back to Bovec, stop at the bakery and treat yourself with a nice “Balkan” breakfast. Even though Burek is traditional Bosnian food Slovenians love it. Enjoy eating cheese or meat burek in a good company on hostel Soča rocks’ terrace. Girls at the bar will make a great coffee for you to boost up your energy.

10 am

Is time for some action: 3, 2, 1 …. go RFTING!! Our driver will come to pick you up. Before heading down the Soča river you’ll meet your guides (best guys in town) and you’ll receive the equipment. Just don’t forget to bring a swimwear and a towel with you. On a raft you’ll have a chance to explore most beautiful parts of the river and to have endless fun sliding the raft down from a “penguin” rock!

1 pmBovškikrafi[1]_184482

Lunchtime! Go to Sovdat restaurant and order great homemade food. With hostel’s “sleep with me” wristband you get 10% off on all delicious dishes they prepare for you. Dare to order “ljubljanski” stake … it is bigger than a normal size plate is. They also serve Bovec traditional dessert called “krafi“… so leave some room in your stomach for it 😛

3 pm

Grab the bike and head towards Trenta valley. On the way up you’ll pass the monument of the fallen soldiers of the 1st World War. Cycling by the Soča river rewards you with amazing views of some of the highest Slovenian picks. The main attraction is a great gorge of the Soča river 10 km away from the hostel. Be brave …  jump down the cliff & post your jumping photo on our facebook page.

7 pm

Hostel Soča rocks

Stop at the grocery store, buy your dinner and make a great barbecue with friends on the hostel’s terrace. There is no great dinner without greatest schnapps called Pelinkovec. Is quite bitter buy i suggest you –  give it a try & fell like locals do -although is just for a day :).

10 pm

Black sheep is a place to be if you want to  party and hang out with people from all over the world. Is going on till 3am!!


At 6:30 am when your alarm clock will start to ring you’ll feel glad bus (leaving at 6:50) needs a while before reaching your next travel destination.

See you next time 🙂

Soca river- sLOVEnia (42)

Jahanje v dolini Soče

V neokrnjeni naravi doline reke Soče leži vas Žaga. V neposredni bližini vasi se nahaja Posestvo Blata, katerega glavna dejavnost je konjeništvo. Idila, ki jo ponuja okolje, je lahko s konjskega hrbta pravo doživetje. Posestvo Blata je zaradi bližine reke Soče in mirne okolice popoln kraj zavse, ki se želijo sprostiti in naužiti svežega zraka … Read more

Avtoštop destinacije v okolici hostla Soča rocks

Have you ever tried to HITCHHIKE? If your answer is NO we can guarantee you that there is no better place to start your hitchhiking expedition than Soča valley. Not far from Bovec you have some lovely destinations you can reach by car. LAKES OF FUSINE Lakes of Fusine (Belopeška jezera in Slovenian) are two … Read more

Po poteh 1. svetovne vojne

Did you know that Bovec has, besides all the natural beauties a very sad history from World War I? Battles of the Insonzo (or Soška fronta) took place between June 1915 and November 1917.  There were a series of 12 battles between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies, mostly on the territory of Slovenia. Because of … Read more

JOGA je prišla v Bovec

Add a little ZEN to your holiday! Yoga is the perfect activity for athletes, hikers, travellers and relaxers alike.  Our scenic yoga sessions, done throughout the beautiful Soča Valley, provide you with the perfect remedy for a day of paddling Soča, an adrenaline-rushed hike on Mangart or even the cherry-on-top of a relaxing day sightseeing. These … Read more

Ponujamo najatraktivnejšo ZIPLINE izkušnjo v Sloveniji

For all adrenaline junkies. This zipline is located above Bovec, in the Krnica valley, between two mountains reaching over 2000 meters high: Mt. Kanin and Mt. Rombon. It’s one of the biggest zipline parks in central Europe and is by far the biggest in Slovenia. Are you afraid of heights? Face the fear and fly … Read more

Ponovno odprtje smučišča Kanin

Are you also one of those who were anxiously waiting for Kanin cableway reopening!? Well, than we have good news for you! It’s been long three years since cableway last took anybody up to Kanin , but now it’s working again! With cableway you can be on Kanin saddle, 2202 meters above sea level, in … Read more