Have you ever thought how the birds feel? If you did, you should try to fly 200m off the ground and 70 km/h between the mountains. Zip line challenge can be an unforgettable experience during the day and crazy adventure during the night.

Have you ever thought how the birds feel? If you did, you should try to fly 200m off the ground and 70 km/h between the mountains. Zip line challenge can be an unforgettable experience during the day and crazy adventure during the night.
4. etapa – »ENERGIČNA« ETAPA Za vikend v našo smaragdno alpsko dolino prihaja najodmevnejši kolesarski dogodek v Sloveniji, kolesarska dirka
Mir, tišina, lepote narave in razgledi “da te kap” je le nekaj izmed mnogih razlogov, zakaj ljudje s takim
Obisk smaragdne doline Soče je zagotovo posebno doživetje za vsakega obiskovalca. Tudi tisti, ki so na svojih preteklih potovanjih
Vse pogosteje opažaš naraščajoče število ljudi, ki na morju in jezerih elegantno drsijo po vodi – stoje in z