
Jahanje v dolini Soče

V neokrnjeni naravi doline reke Soče leži vas Žaga. V neposredni bližini vasi se nahaja Posestvo Blata, katerega glavna dejavnost je konjeništvo. Idila, ki jo ponuja okolje, je lahko s konjskega hrbta pravo doživetje. Posestvo Blata je zaradi bližine reke Soče in mirne okolice popoln kraj zavse, ki se želijo sprostiti in naužiti svežega zraka

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Avtoštop destinacije v okolici hostla Soča rocks

Have you ever tried to HITCHHIKE? If your answer is NO we can guarantee you that there is no better place to start your hitchhiking expedition than Soča valley. Not far from Bovec you have some lovely destinations you can reach by car. LAKES OF FUSINE Lakes of Fusine (Belopeška jezera in Slovenian) are two

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Po poteh 1. svetovne vojne

Did you know that Bovec has, besides all the natural beauties a very sad history from World War I? Battles of the Insonzo (or Soška fronta) took place between June 1915 and November 1917.  There were a series of 12 battles between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies, mostly on the territory of Slovenia. Because of

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JOGA je prišla v Bovec

Add a little ZEN to your holiday! Yoga is the perfect activity for athletes, hikers, travellers and relaxers alike.  Our scenic yoga sessions, done throughout the beautiful Soča Valley, provide you with the perfect remedy for a day of paddling Soča, an adrenaline-rushed hike on Mangart or even the cherry-on-top of a relaxing day sightseeing. These

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Ponujamo najatraktivnejšo ZIPLINE izkušnjo v Sloveniji

For all adrenaline junkies. This zipline is located above Bovec, in the Krnica valley, between two mountains reaching over 2000 meters high: Mt. Kanin and Mt. Rombon. It’s one of the biggest zipline parks in central Europe and is by far the biggest in Slovenia. Are you afraid of heights? Face the fear and fly

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Ponovno odprtje smučišča Kanin

Are you also one of those who were anxiously waiting for Kanin cableway reopening!? Well, than we have good news for you! It’s been long three years since cableway last took anybody up to Kanin , but now it’s working again! With cableway you can be on Kanin saddle, 2202 meters above sea level, in

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4. etapa – »ENERGIČNA« ETAPA Za vikend v našo smaragdno alpsko dolino prihaja najodmevnejši kolesarski dogodek v Sloveniji, kolesarska dirka